About Us

Celebrating 109 years of Christian Service in the Community.

The church of Christ at 16th and Decatur is a visitor friendly congregation. You will be made to feel welcome. Although a collection will be taken, visitors are not expected to contribute. Simply sit and listen – or better yet participate! Right now it is a great place to visit. We hope to see you soon. May the Lord bless you today and all the days of your life.

"Greet one another with a holy kiss. The churches of Christ greet you." (Romans 16:16)

What is the church of Christ?

Many people may not be familiar with the church of Christ and some may have questions about who we are. The church of Christ is an undenominational Christian church that strives to return to the simplicity of the New Testament in its doctrine and worship. The church is neither Protestant nor Catholic. Members of the church are simply called Christians.

There have been churches and missions that have been established all over the world. Each member adheres to the practice and pattern that was established by Jesus Christ, Himself. The church actually belongs to Jesus and all members accept Him as the Head of the church.

Though the people of the church have diverse backgrounds, its members believe that Jesus calls us into unity and harmony. We are all brothers and sisters in a spiritual family. The Lord instructed us to go into all the world and preach the gospel. Our goal is to please God in every way.

What are our convictions as followers of Christ?

We believe that Jesus is our Savior, Lord and Shepherd. He is also our brother, partner and friend. We follow the scriptures only, as closely as we possibly can. The Bible is the only authority for what we say and do. Jesus has instructed us that everyone must be born again (John 3:3-5) in order to be in fellowship with God. We would love to show you what the Bible teaches about how this is done.

We understand that there is only one Head of the church. It is clear from Ephesians 1:22-23 that Jesus Christ is the Head of His church. He has only one body. We believe that it must not be divided. The Lord even prayed for the unity of all believers before He died on the cross. Please allow us to share with you the scriptures about the church and its unity.

Is there a Spanish-speaking Ministry?

We do offer a Spanish-speaking Bible class and worship service on Sunday mornings for those who do not speak English. This small group of Christians is filled with love and enthusiasm for the Lord. We also host some of the area-wide worship services of local churches of Christ.

Contact Info

Church of Christ
at 16th & Decatur

4801 16th Street NW
Washington, DC 20011
Tel: 202-882-4711
Fax: 202-829-3913
Email: coc16th@aol.com